Heyo! I caught 2 of your sets at Roots Revival and just loved how much fun you were having and the energy you were throwing down. I want you to come to Asheville. Fest you ask, well Leaf is our fest I would associate the closest to roots. But hell, I work in a brewery (all natural soda) with a 6000sqft full service tasting room 400 capacity Devil’s Foot Beverage Co. Our talent buyer is Jacob B, he plays drums in a fistful of bands, and can be reached at jacob@devilsfootbrew.com We also have a 30000 sqft outdoor space we can activate and lots of ties to the local music community Salvage Station, Grey Eagle, Asheville Music Hall. Hit us up. Let’s make it a thing.

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This is great! Thank you, Paul! We'll be at the Outpost in AVL on May 4 with Brother Fat from Chattanooga. We're hoping to pack it out and get a fire started in AVL so we can return often. It's one of our favorite places. We'll hit up Leaf, too!

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it is good for us to

enjoy the fruits

of our labor

~ Solomon (not exact lyrics 🙃)

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Can’t wait to see you on the 4th.

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